Research Database

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Welcome to our growing research database where we highlight a small selection of the published literature pertaining to the sciences of nutrition and nutrigenomics. Some papers are purely technical in nature, whereas others are more focused on clinical applications of the principles of nutrigenomics.
For most of the papers we have selected, the full version is available free online; however, there are some exceptions for which the publisher’s copyright prevents us from providing the complete pdf file.
Rosa Casas, Sara Castro-Barquero, Ramon Estruch, and Emilio Sacanella
Anna Boss, Chi Hsiu-Juei Kao, Pamela M. Murray, Gareth Marlow, Matthew P. G. Barnett and Lynnette R. Ferguson
Christine A. Houghton, Robert G. Fassett, and Jeff S. Coombes
Laura Bordoni, Irene Petracci, Fanrui Zhao, Weihong Min, Elisa Pierella,Taís Silveira Assmann,J Alfredo Martinez and Rosita Gabbianelli
María Teresa Lopez-Chillon, Carmen Carazo-Díaz, David Prieto-Merinob, Pilar Zafrilla, Diego A. Moreno, Debora Villa
Joffe Yael T, Houghton Christine A.