Our Scientific Advisory Board

The Institute’s Scientific Advisory Board (S.A.B.) is a multi-disciplinary international board with expertise in diverse aspects of Nutritional Genomics. The S.A.B. is chaired by the Head of Faculty, who is responsible for appointing members to the S.A.B.

Members of the Institute’s S.A.B. are:

Dr Yael Joffe PhD (Seattle, USA)

Dr Diego Moreno PhD (Madrid, Spain)

Dr Valentini Konstantinidou PhD, MSc, RDN (Athens, Greece)

Ms Amanda Archibald RD (Colorada, USA)

The Role of Scientific Advisory Board Members

The S.A.B.’s role is to:

  • Highlight critical issues which may favourably or otherwise impact the operation of the Institute.
  • Identify anomalies in the content of the Institute’s educational programmes in Nutritional Genomics.
  • Provide feedback to the Faculty Head from time to time as and when appropriate.
  • Provide suggestions relevant to the operation of the Institute or its educational content.

PhD, BSc, GradDipHumNutr, RNutr

Faculty Head and Senior Scientist

An experienced clinician in Nutritional Medicine, Christine’s subsequent research has led to her acknowledged claim as a global leader in the field of Nutrigenomics.

Her doctoral research on the biochemical and clinical effects of bioactive food molecules has led her to explore the roles of phytochemicals as potent signalling molecules that influence the expression of key protective genes.

An accomplished clinician, author, speaker and educator, she brings to the Institute decades of diverse and invaluable experience.


Scientific Advistory Board Member

Yael is globally acknowledged as a leading expert in the field of nutrigenomics. In 2000, she was part of the team that built the first lifestyle genetics test, and since then has been responsible for the building of many others. She is the author of four books, The Power of Genetics, It’s Not Just Your Genes, Genes to Plate, and SNP Journal. Yael has been published in multiple peer-reviewed scientific journals, hosts the Power of Genetics podcast, and is a highly regarded speaker in genetics.

Yael built the first online nutrigenomics platform for clinician education and has developed and supervised genomics courses around the world. She has trained thousands of healthcare practitioners globally, also teaching at Rutgers University and the Maryland University of Integrative Health.

In 2018, Yael founded 3X4 Genetics and now serves as its Chief Science Officer.  The company’s practitioner-focused genetics platform offers comprehensive genetic testing, reporting and recommendations, clinician education and mentorship, and practitioner community. 3X4 Genetics is setting the course for how peoples’ genetics will effectively inform every daily decision to improve health and optimize everyday performance.


Scientific Advistory Board Member

Amanda Archibald, RD is widely recognized as an early adopter in translational genomics, connecting genomic and nutrigenomic science to everyday health. She founded The Genomic Kitchen in 2017 to showcase the relationship between genes, food, health, and importantly, the kitchen. Amanda is the author of two books, an accomplished clinician, educator, consultant, and public health advocate.

Amanda teaches and mentors clinicians around the world in her efforts to make nutritional and culinary genomics more widely understood and accessible. She is equally sought out in private practice using genomics to guide individuals with complex health challenges on a journey to wellness. An avid collaborator, Amanda recently co-created C-Suite, a DNA-driven holistic health and well-being executive program in the United Kingdom.

Her cutting-edge work in nutritional genomics has fostered institutional and corporate consulting for a variety of inspired international innovators, including Sodexo (USA) and Hawkins Watts (New Zealand). Her side-by-side work in the kitchen and board room with Sodexo chefs, foodservice and medical professionals resulted in the successful launch of the first nutrigenomically-inspired menu in the world to  offered to patients, guests, and hospital staff at Sharp Healthcare, San Diego.

Originally from the UK, Amanda currently resides in the high desert mountains of Western Colorado.


Scientific Advistory Board Member

Dr. Diego A. Moreno, Ph.D. in Biological Sciences (U. Granada, Spain, 2000). CSIC’s Scientific Researcher (2018 – present) in the Phytochemistry and Healthy Food Group (LabFAS) at CEBAS-CSIC (Spanish National Research Council). Permanent position as staff scientist since 2008 and previously postdoctoral associate (‘Ramón y Cajal’ 2006 – 2008, and I3P-CSIC 2005-2006). 

The postdoctoral experience abroad started as Spanish MECD granted postdoc and University appointed associate at Ilya Raskin’s Lab in the Biotech Center of the Rutgers – The State University of New Jersey (New Brunswcik, NJ, US) from 2001 to 2004, with a background of Ph.D. in Plant Physiology (2000), M.Sci. (1996), and B. Sci. (1994), obtained in the University of Granada (Spain).

Research and innovation activity and interest on the development of new functional foods and ingredients either fresh (sprouts and microgreens of Cruciferous varieties) or processed (beverages and other food products) and enriched in bioactive and bioavailable phytochemicals (glucosinolates, phenolic compounds) to modulate the energy metabolism (inflammation, glucose and lipid metabolism).




ORCID ID http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6547-8764

Scientific Advistory Board Member

Dr. Valentini Konstantinidou is the founder of DNANUTRICOACH® , a start-up company with the aim of translating nutrigenetic knowledge into practical and doable, everyday recommendations for all.

Her research activities began in 2001 in Barcelona, Spain and continue until today as a scientific consultant for B2B projects and as registered dietitian-nutritionist for B2C customers. She has published numerous research articles in the field of Nutritional Genomics during the last 20 years.

Her focus has always been the Mediterranean diet and its components and how they benefit human health and longevity. Today, she is helping people, health professionals and companies apply scientific nutrigenetic knowledge to boost their wellbeing and improve their quality of life.

She lives between Barcelona, Spain and Athens, Greece and she regularly teaches in the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).

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