Research Database

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Welcome to our growing research database where we highlight a small selection of the published literature pertaining to the sciences of nutrition and nutrigenomics. Some papers are purely technical in nature, whereas others are more focused on clinical applications of the principles of nutrigenomics.
For most of the papers we have selected, the full version is available free online; however, there are some exceptions for which the publisher’s copyright prevents us from providing the complete pdf file.
Montserrat Fitó and Valentini Konstantinidou
2016 – ABSTRACT: The synergies and cumulative effects among different foods and nutrients are what produce the benefits of a healthy dietary pattern. Diets and dietary patterns are a major environmental factor that we are exposed to several times
David M. Mutch,Walter Wahli, Gary Williamson
2005 – ABSTRACT: The recognition that nutrients have the ability to interact and modulate molecular mechanisms underlying an organism’s physiological functions has prompted a revolution in the field of nutrition. Performing population-scaled
Ben van Ommen, PhD
2004 – NUTRITION DISCOVERS GENOMICS: Many diseases and disorders are related to suboptimal nutrition in terns of deficits of essential nutrients, imbalance of macronutrients, or even toxic concentrations of certain food compounds.
A P Simopoulos
2001 – ABSTRACT: The term “Mediterranean diet,” implying that all Mediterranean people have the same diet, is a misnomer. The countries around the Mediterranean basin have different diets, religions and cultures.