Conversations in Nutrigenomic Medicine

Welcome to Conversations in Nutrigenomic Medicine
Welcome to Conversations in Nutrigenomic Medicine, a novel format presenting the key principles that underpin the foundations of this emerging science, systematically taking the practice of Clinical Nutrition to a new level. Although there are many available options for learning about Nutrigenetics, there are few opportunities for clinicians to gain a deeper understanding of its companion science, Nutrigenomics.
Conversations fills that gap as a niche programme in graduate clinical education. The Institute has been founded to provide programmes that superimpose an overlay of Applied Nutrigenomics onto a clinician’s formal training.
The Institute for Nutrigenomic Medicine highlights the relationship between our genes, their polymorphisms and the food-derived molecules that can influence their expression. Nutrigenomic Medicine focuses on Nature-compatible clinical interventions that aim to closely mimic endogenous cellular mechanisms.
The Conversations series presents a clinical approach which begins with a more nuanced view of cellular function, interwoven with the core principles of Nutrigenomics as it gradually unfolds the scientific rationale for implementing appropriate food-derived interventions.
Download the prospectus here.

What to Expect
Conversations in Nutrigenomic Medicine is presented as multiple series, each with their own allocation of required viewing and reading time.
1 hour = 1 Continuing Professional Education point (CPE).
Each Conversation is formatted as a discussion between one of our Faculty members and Faculty Head, Dr Christine Houghton who holds a PhD in Clinical Nutrigenomics, together with degrees in Biochemistry and Nutrition Science.
(For 6 CPE points)
Series One:
Foundations in Nutrigenomics
Encompassing 3 bytes, Series One is somewhat academic in content but delivered in a light conversational manner supported by online teaching materials for a more rounded, enjoyable and effective learning experience. Each of the 3 bytes delivers the key foundation principles, together with guided research papers to support the concepts covered. An assessment completes the byte.
Allocate 6 hours viewing and reading time for Series One.
(2 hours per byte).
Series One is a prerequisite to all subsequent series.
Download the prospectus here.
(For 12 CPE points)
Series Two:
Applications of Nutrigenomics
Offers 6 bytes, each focused on a topic of clinical relevance based on and utilising the Series One foundation principles.
As with Series One, Series Two and each subsequent Conversation will include guided supporting research papers with an assessment to complete the byte.
Allocate 12 hours viewing and reading time for Series Two.
(2 hours per byte)
Download the prospectus here.
(For 9 CPE points)
Series Three:
Clinical Applications in Common Conditions
Following Series One and Series Two where we introduce the principles of Nutrigenomic Medicine, in Series Three we build on these principles to address three commonly-encountered clinical conditions.
The three clinically-relevant bytes covered in Series 3, in each case address the causes of and solutions to: #1 – Aberrant iron metabolism, #2 – The science underpinning thyroid dysfunction and Byte #3 – Nutrigenomic solutions to the growing epidemic of infertility.
Allocate 9 hours for Series Three viewing, and reading time.
Download the prospectus here.

Conversations: Series One
Foundations in Nutrigenomics (For 6 CPE points)
Conversations: Series Two
Applications of Nutrigenomics (For 12 CPE points)

Conversations: Series Three
Clinical Applications in Common Conditions (For 9 CPE points)